Karuhesh (Карунеш) ( на хинди करूनेश и означава "състрадателен" ) е роден през 1956 г. в Кьолн, Германия. Рожденното му име е Бруно Ройтер (Bruno Reuter). Както и много други музиканти в стила Ню ейдж той е получил своето духовно посвещение и просветление в легендарният ашрам на Ошо (Бхагавана Шри Раджниша) в Пуна. Там той получава и името с което е известен по цял свят като автор на мистична и медитативна музика.
В създаденият от Ошо Институт Карунеш твори музика редом до други, вече утвърдени и талантливи автори като Govi, Deuter (Georg Deuter), Анугама и други. Това продължава няколко години, но дори и след разпадането на групата с много от тях той остава приятел.
Заедно с Анугама Карунеш преминава в новосформираното звукозаписно студио Nightingale Records , специализирано в мекият, синтезаторен new age. Там бързо Карунеш става водещият изпълнител и музиката му предизвиква огромен интерес от страна не само на ценителите на езотеричното звучене, но и от професионалисти, водещи групи за релакс, личностно израстване, медитативни практики. Например - един от издадените от автора дискове още от времето на Центъра на Ошо става готов медитационен комплекс за балансиране на сърдечната чакра.
Музиката на Карунеш се отличава със своето звучене и използването на флейта, нежният звук на медни звънчета и синтезатор от една страна и от друга - включването на звуци от природата, инспирирани от песните на птици, ромона на ручей, тайнствените звуци на джунглата, барабаненето на дъжд и свистенето на вятъра.
New Age/Relaxation:
1987 - Sounds of the Heart (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-307)
Karunesh - Sounds of the Heart
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale Records
Catalog# NGH-CD-307
Year: 1987
Обща продължителност: 47:09
01. Clouds & Wings (6:33)
02. Wu-wei (5:31)
03. Fantasy Dancer (4:17)
04. Back Home (6:07)
05. The Commune (4:52)
06. Sounds of the Heart (6:14)
07. Relax (4:32)
08. Inner Flame (5:56)
09. Sounds of the Heart II (3:00)
1989 - Colours Of Light (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-308)
Karunesh - Colours Of Light
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale Records
Catalog# NGH-CD-308
Year: 1989
Обща продължителност: 54:37
01. Japanese Spring (5:54)
02. Sweet Dreams (4:57)
03. Dawnlight (6:31)
04. Galadriel (6:09)
05. Love Song (4:23)
06. Light Dance (6:04)
07. Magic Fields (5:42)
08. Fantasy in Blue (4:31)
09. Shabono (5:26)
10. The End of a Day 4:59
1989 - Sky's Beyond (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-346)
Karunesh - Sky's Beyond
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale
Catalog# NGH-CD-346
Year: 1989
Обща продължителност: 55:31
01. Sky's Beyond (9:10)
02. Moon in the Water (9:10)
03. Atlantis (8:25)
04. Into the Light (9:03)
05. Over the Light (7:32)
06. New Morning (7:04)
07. Indian Summer (5:06)
1993 - Heart Symphony (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-352)
Karunesh - Heart Symphony
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale Records
Catalog# NGH-CD-352
Year: 1992
Обща продължителност: 49:20
01. Wide Open (5:48)
02. Heart Symphony: From Other Spheres/Searching for a New Dimension/Peace (18:21)
03. The Inner Temple (5:25)
04. Rays of Hope (3:43)
05. Listen and Feel (7:07)
06. Once Upon a Time (5:35)
07. The Day Begins (3:21)
1996 - Secret Of Life (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-411-E)
Karunesh - Beyond Body & Mind
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale Records
Catalog# NGH-CD-411-E
Year: 1996
Обща продължителност: 52:54
01. Call of the tribes (4:43)
02. Inshallah (5:47)
03. Hiden Places (6:34)
04. Morning Glory (6:32)
05. Down Under (6:43)
06. A Journey to India (5:15)
07. Secrets of Life (11:15)
08. Dusk (Inshallah-Reprise) (6:05)
2001 - Silent Heart (Oreade Music: #ORP 60592)
Karunesh - Silent Heart
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# ORP 60592
Year: 2001
Обща продължителност: 53:36
01. Dreamscape (6:42)
02. Beyond Time (7:09)
03. Morning Song (7:43)
04. Autumn Leaves (feat. Mercer, Johnny/Prevert, Jacques/Kosma, Joseph) (8:56)
05. Desert Flower (8:28)
06. Serenade (8:28)
07. Haleakala Sunset (6:07)
2001 - Zen Breakfast (Real Music: #RM4150)
Karunesh - Zen Breakfast
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4150
Year: 2001
Обща продължителност: 56:39
01. Moon Temple (5:49)
02. Calling Wisdom (5:33)
03. Breathing Silence (7:13)
04. Remembering to Forget (6:03)
05. Zen Breakfast (5:56)
06. Flowing With the Tea (5:12)
07. Layers of Tranquility (7:07)
08. Returning to Now (4:51)
09. Way of the Winding Valley (5:45)
10. Tao and Zen (3:07)
2001 - The Way of the Heart (Oreade Music: #ORP 60582)
Karunesh - The Way of the Heart
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# ORP 60582
Year: 2001
Обща продължителност: 58:09
01. Wanderer (6:30)
02. Spirits of the Forest (5:57)
03. Call of the Unknown (6:17)
04. Beyond the Horizon (6:04)
05. Morning Glory [Mix] (5:08)
06. Riverdance (6:14)
07. Earth & Sky (5:48)
08. A Journey of the Heart (6:35)
09. Sweet Lullaby (5:50)
10. Coming Home (Morning Glory Reprise) (3:44)
2002 - Secret Of Life (Oreade Music: #ORR 61302) (переиздание)
Karunesh - Secret Of Life
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# ORR 61302
Year: 2002
Обща продължителност: 54:50
01. Inshallah (5:47)
02. Hidden Places (6:34)
03. Morning Glory (6:32)
04. Eagle's Flight (6:39)
05. Down Under (6:43)
06. A Journey to India (5:15)
07. Secrets of Life (11:12)
08. Dusk (Inshallah Reprise) (6:05)
2002 - Nirvana Cafe (Real Music: #RM4151)
Karunesh - Nirvana Cafe
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4151
Year: 2002
Обща продължителност: 54:23
01. Dazzled By The Light (5:40)
02. Chuang Tzu S Dream (5:03)
03. Blessings Rain (5:52)
04. Sapphire (5:27)
05. The Conversation (5:18)
06. Revelry (5:11)
07. Follow Your Heart (5:22)
08. Stargazing (5:28)
09. Keeper Of Mystery (5:36)
10. The Peace Within (5:23)
2003 - Beyond Heaven (Oreade Music: #ORR 61852)
Karunesh - Beyond Heaven
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# ORR 61852
Year: 2003
Обща продължителност: 57:14
01. Endless Skies (5:40)
02. Beyond Heaven (5:40)
03. Beautiful Day (5:56)
04. Windrider (5:11)
05. Eagles's Flight (6:28)
06. Mojave (6:50)
07. Like a Cloud (5:37)
08. Heart to Heart (5:21)
09. Light Within (6:40)
10. Moonrise (A Beautiful Day Reprise) (3:51)
2008 - Enlightenment: A Sacred Collection (Real Music: #RM4168)
Karunesh - Enlightenment: A Sacred Collection
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4168
Year: 2008
Обща продължителност: 63:37
01. Calling Wisdom (5:33)
02. Flowing Bamboo (6:05)
03. For the Joy of it All (6:26)
04. Longing for the Unknown (7:20)
05. Moon Temple (5:48)
06. Keeper of Mystery (5:35)
07. Sunrise at the Ganges (5:56)
08. Morning Celebration (5:09)
09. Returning to Now (4:52)
10. The Peace Within (5:25)
11. Ancient Voices (5:20)
1992 - Heart Chakra Meditation (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-353)
Karunesh - Heart Chakra Meditation
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale Records
Catalog# NGH-CD-353
Year: 1992
Обща продължителност: 47:45
01. Phase 'Nord' (North) (6:25)
02. Phase 'Ost and West' (East and West) (6:24)
03. Phase 'Süd' (South) (6:22)
04. Phase 'Kreis' (Circle) (7:52)
05. Der Innere Tempel (The Inner Temple) (5:59)
06. Tibetanische Klangschalen (Tibetan Sound Bowls) (14:43)
1993 - Beyond Body & Mind (Nightingale: #NGH-CD-354)
Karunesh - Beyond Body & Mind
Genre: New Age, Relaxation
Label: Nightingale Records
Catalog# NGH-CD-354
Year: 1993
Обща продължителност: 41:16
01. Phase: Humming (15:25)
02. Phase: Third Eye (feat.Sanjiva) (9:45)
03. Phase: Heart (5:39)
04. Phase: Relaxation (15:36)
1997 - Osho: Chakra Sound Meditation (New Earth Records: #NA)
Karunesh - Osho: Chakra Sound Meditation
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: New Earth Records
Catalog# na
Year: 1997
Обща продължителност: 53:09
01. Chakra Sounds. First Stage (43:46)
02. Silence. Second Stage (15:17)
2009 - Heart Chakra Meditation II: Coming Home
Karunesh - Heart Chakra Meditation II: Coming Home
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Year: 2009
Общаа продължителност: 52:49
01. Horizon (8:14)
02. Heaven & Earth (8:15)
03. Expansion (8:16)
04. The Circle (8:15)
05. Coming Home (5:40)
06. Here & Now (15:24)
07. Bell (5:39)
World Fusion:
2004 - Call of the Mystic (Real Music: #RM4159)
Karunesh - Call of the Mystic
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4159
Year: 2004
Обща продължителност: 50:44
01. For the Joy of It All (6:29)
02. Hearing You Now (6:51)
03. Monsoon's Dance (6:57)
04. Mount Kailash (5:58)
05. Sunrise at the Ganges (5:58)
06. Zensual (7:24)
07. And the Grass Grows by Itself (5:43)
08. Ancient Voices (5:20)
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4159
Year: 2004
Обща продължителност: 50:44
01. For the Joy of It All (6:29)
02. Hearing You Now (6:51)
03. Monsoon's Dance (6:57)
04. Mount Kailash (5:58)
05. Sunrise at the Ganges (5:58)
06. Zensual (7:24)
07. And the Grass Grows by Itself (5:43)
08. Ancient Voices (5:20)
2006 - Global Village (Oreade Music: #ORM 62782)
Karunesh - Global Village
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# ORM 62782
Year: 2006
Обща продължителност: 51:11
01. Prayer of Joy (4:40)
02. Orient Express (5:30)
03. Earth Spirit (5:52)
04. Helele Ma (5:42)
05. Tranceformation (4:58)
06. Arabian Nights (5:25)
07. Beyond Heaven [Remix] (6:36)
08. Om Namo (5:12)
09. Krishna's Song (7:11)
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# ORM 62782
Year: 2006
Обща продължителност: 51:11
01. Prayer of Joy (4:40)
02. Orient Express (5:30)
03. Earth Spirit (5:52)
04. Helele Ma (5:42)
05. Tranceformation (4:58)
06. Arabian Nights (5:25)
07. Beyond Heaven [Remix] (6:36)
08. Om Namo (5:12)
09. Krishna's Song (7:11)
2006 - Joy of Life (Real Music #RM4167)
Karunesh - Joy of Life
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4167
Year: 2006
Обща продължителност: 50:56
01. Morning Celebration (5:10)
02. Longing for the Unknown (7:21)
03. Evening Reflections (7:08)
04. Flowing Bamboo (6:07)
05. Return of the Rains (5:51)
06. Joy of Life (6:55)
07. Sahara Sunset (5:52)
08. Shruti's Song (6:30)
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Real Music
Catalog# RM4167
Year: 2006
Обща продължителност: 50:56
01. Morning Celebration (5:10)
02. Longing for the Unknown (7:21)
03. Evening Reflections (7:08)
04. Flowing Bamboo (6:07)
05. Return of the Rains (5:51)
06. Joy of Life (6:55)
07. Sahara Sunset (5:52)
08. Shruti's Song (6:30)
2007 - Global Spirit (Oreade Music: #TAW 60342) (переиздание)
Karunesh - Global Spirit
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# TAW 60342
Year: 2007 (переиздание)
Обща продължителност: 63:17
01. Call of the Tribes [Remix] (4:39)
02. Ancient Secrets (4:58)
03. Punjab (7:14)
04. Native Rituals (5:16)
05. Kubula Ma (5:01)
06. Alibaba (8:31)
07. Earthsong (5:46)
08. Bombay Pure (5:35)
09. Solitude (7:14)
10. Earthsong (Reprise) (2:44)
11. Earth Spirit (5:51)
Genre: Meditative, Relaxation
Label: Oreade Music
Catalog# TAW 60342
Year: 2007 (переиздание)
Обща продължителност: 63:17
01. Call of the Tribes [Remix] (4:39)
02. Ancient Secrets (4:58)
03. Punjab (7:14)
04. Native Rituals (5:16)
05. Kubula Ma (5:01)
06. Alibaba (8:31)
07. Earthsong (5:46)
08. Bombay Pure (5:35)
09. Solitude (7:14)
10. Earthsong (Reprise) (2:44)
11. Earth Spirit (5:51)
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